It’s been a dream of ours to create a space that encompasses everything we love about travelling this fine country we call home. So we’re excited as all hell to introduce a new project here at Feldon Shelter, West Supply.
For the past 5 years, we’ve had the pleasure of creating quality rooftop homes for excited adventurers from all walks of life, and during our chats there's always been one common question: “Where can I get other quality outdoor gear before we head away on our next mission?”
Well after 12 months of busy hands & renovations, we have the solution, a new space for all things outdoors. Home grown & based by the black sand of Auckland's West Coast (Waimauku), West Supply will offer everything you need for a top notch adventure. Think roof racks & overland accessories, storage solutions, camp gear, surfboards, NZ-made outdoor clothing, vehicle recovery bits, the best coffee in town… the list goes on.

Nothing worth doing, is worth doing alone, whether it’s heading for a wave or setting off on a roady, times are just better with mates. So we’ve called on some of our friends to share this new adventure with us & to create a space that has everything going on... and more.
West Supply is the not only the new home for Feldon Shelter, but you’ll find our friends By Marsden Surfboards shaping away out back, Kōkako Organic Coffee Roasters brewing up something tasty (& organic) to drink, along with a gear showroom that features some of the best quality outdoor gear sourced from NZ & around the world, including; Front Runner Outfitters, Yeti, Pretty Fly, Coleman, Dometic, Ironclad Pans, Goodlids, Maxtrax… with more quality brands jumping on board each day.
The new space includes a full vehicle installation workshop, gear showroom, surf shop, coffee corner & much, much more. You can check out a glimpse of whats to come right here, whilst you hold tight for the grand opening on the 19th August!