It’s quickly becoming the strongest tradition we have. Best mates spread thin across the world chasing individual dreams, reuniting once a year for an adventure. The mission each time is to chase swell, spend some quality time together and relive our younger years, and an eye-opening trip at the beginning of a new year usually ticks all of the boxes. We’ve made a habit of landing in a foreign country and immediately escaping away from the busy crowds and the routine of our everyday lives. Although our overseas rendezvous points over the years have been incredible, the lure of our home country, New Zealand’s South Island was too much to resist.
The timing was perfect as our newly built truck, and Scott’s fresh American imported Chevy van were both ready for their maiden voyage. We filled our vehicles to the brim with all of the camping necessities and strapped eleven surfboards and two of our Feldon roof top tents to the roof of the car. The roof tents, alongside the back of Scott’s van, would provide our accommodation for the next month. We had enough space, surfboards and essentials to yield good times for six reassembled mates searching for adventure.
Wasting no time we drove the length of the North Island, boarded the first ferry crossing the Cook Strait and were swapping stories of the past year by nightfall. As soon as the ferry had landed and our tyres touched southern soil, we were off again, severely sleep deprived and in need of waves.
For the full adventure (and even some shark action) head over to our friends at Corona Extra.